Sunday, August 31, 2014
Alex's Self Portraits
This last one I drew from a picture that Prof Ballinger had taken of me at the AdFed Awards last year.
Self Portraits
Ohmygoodness I had so much fun making these. I'm not very good at drawing realistically but I enjoy the challenge!! I think I want to try to challenge my anatomy when it comes to doing the journal comics rather than just making this all the time.
It was fun exploring my deformities, mainly my right ear (for those of you who don't know, I'm deaf in my right ear because I was born without an ear canal) in the more detailed self portrait, and that's always fun to do. I've always appreciated being asymmetrical that way because I think it makes for a more interesting cartoon persona. I also have two different- colored eyes (the right one is brown and the other one is hazel but has some blue in it as well) and a malformed left pinkie (the knuckles of my ring and pinkie finger fused when I was a fetus).
I think these journal comics are going to be so super fun! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I'm Karli Melder and I love making derpy cartoons that mostly have derpy faces and butts in them. I really look forward to blogging with y'all and interacting in class! Storybutts and Concept is going to be an amazing class and getting to share ideas and explore artistically with y'all is going to be fantastic!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Three self portraits
The realistic one is the only one I did not do in photoshop, thats all hand drawn.
And I thought the top one was a bit bland, so I added some blue. And a dragon. I am minority obsessed with them, and Zink isn't helping any.
Nikki's Self Portraitsss
Just gonna dump my self portraits here. So... Yeah! 0u0
- Fun Fact: This is my first realism-hooman ever drawn in my life. It was difficult. xD
Liz's Into
Hello all my fellow storyboard artists, most of you know who I am, but for those who don't... we shall have some much needed introductions
My name is Liz, I am of the house Smith, and I hail from the village of Huntington in the land of Indiana in the this kingdom of the United States.
Sounds Impressive no?
Quick random facts; Ice-cream is one of the most amazing things in the world, my favorite pet is a cat who is named after a dinosaur, Zelda is my favorite game series, if I had to pick a favorite move I couldn't because there are just too many I like, a favorite artist would be Hayao Miyazaki, I dislike the cold, and I may have this teeny, tiny obsession with sephiroth....
Shawn's Self Portraits!!! (AKA crappy sketches)
Here are my three "self portrait" submissions! Enjoy!!
Hope you enjoyed them, looking forward to seeing everyone else's "artistic genius"! Later!
Nikki's Introoo
Hey everyone! Hopefully you all know me by now but if not mah' name's Nikki and I also go by Kamki which is my username for basically everything. It's a long story. xD
So, uhh, yeah, I'm an animation major from the

Maybe I should state some more important things. xD

I'm not exactly sure what I want to do when I graduate...? I just know I love drawing and making characters for no apparent reason. I don't really have a style that I know of, it changes randomly depending on how I feel or the subject matter I guess.
This picture represents me I guess. I'm a very random person with a stupidly ridiculous sense of humor. Although that coupled with social anxiety makes life strangely difficult. xDD
And here's a picture to let everyone know that I can spend more than an hour on a drawing:
So yeah! I think I put enough pictures here to distract from my terrible intro writing. xD
I can't wait to see how things go this semester and if you see me around feel free to approach me; I'm like a deer, but friendlier. 0u0
Shawn's Incredibly Interesting Intro!!! (reactions may vary-genuine interest not guaranteed)
Hey there
__(fill in name)____, it's certainly been a while hasn't it!!
___(fill in name)___, remember that time we___(fill in Interaction)____, and then decided to
___(fill in Interaction)__ ?! Oh man, good times...
Believe me when I tell you
__(fill in name)___, that I'm looking forward to learning and growing as Animators/film makers/(other major) with you! See ya when I ya!
__(fill in name)____, it's certainly been a while hasn't it!!
___(fill in name)___, remember that time we___(fill in Interaction)____, and then decided to
___(fill in Interaction)__ ?! Oh man, good times...
Believe me when I tell you
__(fill in name)___, that I'm looking forward to learning and growing as Animators/film makers/(other major) with you! See ya when I ya!
Dustin's Intro
I'm Dustin Newman, I live in Bluffton IN, 29 years old, part-time student, a commuter, work full time at the Tire & lube Express at Walmart as a technician, and I'm in the DMA program for animation. I know it's kind of unusual to start HU this late in the game but I've always fantasized about being a 2-D animator beginning as a kid at first-grade. To keep this short I suppose the reason for the hesitation is because college was too intimidating for me, perhaps I'm just lazy or maybe I had some growing up to do first, whatever it is I'm here now. Before HU my friends and I thought it would be fun to do a comic or graphic novel, it's still a work in progress though.
Starting HU I thought that making comic book series would be a career path worth going towards but after I take this class I may change my mind. My real goal is to make a living doing what I love, not like I am now where I get covered in grease and motor oil at the end of every day. You may already know by now that I like to draw, other than that some of the things I like to watch is Nova, Cosmos, the Venture Bros, SpongeBob, and for music, I also like Zomboy as well as some of Seven Lions, Lindsay Stomp, and Hardwell. Well that's all I have to say.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Haley's Self Portraits
Haley's Intro
Hello! I'm Haley Wyatt (obviously!). I'm a sophomore Animation major and Computer Science minor. I'm from Northern California. [Bonus fact: I live in Yolo County. Yes, yes that is a real county - look it up!]
I love Jesus, cats, the smell after it rains, tv shows (Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Supernatural to name a few), tumblr, books, Barnes and Noble, music, art, museums, and my family. Originally, I wanted to be a teacher (since I was like 9) because I love kids, but discovered my junior year of high school that I could make a career out of art (whaaat??)! So yeah, that's how I knew that I wanted to be an artist!
My dream is to work for Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Cartoon Network, you name it! I love drawing/illustrating and designing characters and have been doing it since I was 13. I'm in love with 2D animation and hope to focus on that in my career at HU.
I love Jesus, cats, the smell after it rains, tv shows (Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Supernatural to name a few), tumblr, books, Barnes and Noble, music, art, museums, and my family. Originally, I wanted to be a teacher (since I was like 9) because I love kids, but discovered my junior year of high school that I could make a career out of art (whaaat??)! So yeah, that's how I knew that I wanted to be an artist!
My dream is to work for Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Cartoon Network, you name it! I love drawing/illustrating and designing characters and have been doing it since I was 13. I'm in love with 2D animation and hope to focus on that in my career at HU.
I'm so excited for this semester and can't wait to grow artistically with all of you! <3
Alex's Intro

Hello! Most of you know me already; I'm Alex Kane a sophomore in DMA and hope to work for Dreamworks, Pixar or some 3D animation studio! I mainly specialize in 3D as you can see the image above. I started around age 12 when I took my parents video camera and made live action clips. This eventually lead to some stop motion, 2D animations in paint softwares and then to 3D.
Here's my YouTube channel
I have also made some iOS apps in the past for Apple Inc's AppStore. MyApps
Monday, August 25, 2014
Hello Lovlies!
My name is Katy Seymour, but I have a million nicknames. If you like any of the following, I will respond to you as you pass me: Gauge. River. Kat. Neo. Bob. Eduardo. Anime Girl. Hair. Girl with the Face. Etc.
But seriously, I'm so excited to meet each and every one of you if I do not know you already!
A B O U T * M E
I will be your teacher assistant (TA) for this class. I am an
animation major who is turning 20 on 11/11. From Bishopville, SC. I love video games, the smell of fire, cats, pizza, music and art. I play piano, guitar, ukelele, and I sing. Originally, I was going to be a fine arts major (and by originally, I mean that was my life plan since I was 2), but decided to go into animation my junior year of high school. Ideally, I will be going into character design when I graduate.
E X T R A * F U N * F A C T S
I am 6' when I'm wearing shoes, and I have a freakishly long stride. My canine teeth are flat. I have a scar on my right eyeball. I've never broken a bone. Gladiator is my favorite movie. Zomboy, Owl City, and F-777 are my favorite (famous) musicians. I snap into a Minnesota, Irish, Australian, British, or Canadian accent sometimes, and it's a total accident. I've lived in SC for 14+ years, but no one guesses SC as my origin state.
I * W A N T * T O * K N O W * Y O U
I'm here to be your friend and to help you however I can. You can add me on Facebook. You can follow me on Twitter. If you want my number, just ask nicely, and it's probably yours because friendship is magic or whatever. I'm never too busy for humans, and if you need a human... I'm at least humanoid, so I'm here for you, bae. You are going to have so much fun in this class, I promise! I know I did. If you have any problems with technical set up on Blogger or anything of that nature, please let me know. This blog is here for you. <3
I hope that you all have a great semester! Be sure to say "hi" if you see me!
B L O G * S E T U P * A N D * P O S T I N G * S T E P S
1) create a gmail address if you do not already have one.
This only works if you have a gmail.
2) email me at with a message that includes the following:
a- your preferred name (first, last, middle, imaginary; just know that that is who you are to me)
b- your fancy dancy gmail email address
c- your major
d- your favorite .gif or meme
3) wait to hear back from me. <3
1) once you have access, either click the orange button with a pencil on it, or with the words "new post" on it. (If you are writing from blogger, the icon will vary depending on if you are at the home page or in the blogger window for this blog. If you go straight to the blog site, [] there will be a "new post" option on the top right once you have access.)
2) write a title at the top of the screen next to "Intro to DMA * Post"
3) write out a body
4) include a picture or video to add interest
5) make sure you label the post ("Labels" is an option under "Post settings" on the right side of the screen when in blog editor mode) with your name "[First] [Last]", and any other labels specified for the assignment. If you already see a label coming up for what you need, do not make a new label. Use what someone else beat you to. Sometimes there are special events that Leeper will announce in which blogs can be worth more. (Make sure you label them so that I can grade them right. I don't want to gip you.)
6) make sure you have things labeled. I can not stress this enough. Also, while I love creativity, please do not make up a bunch of unnecessary labels. This is not Twitter, and it makes grading slow and tedious. #WhatADrag
7) click the orange button that says "Publish" and that's it!!!!
My name is Katy Seymour, but I have a million nicknames. If you like any of the following, I will respond to you as you pass me: Gauge. River. Kat. Neo. Bob. Eduardo. Anime Girl. Hair. Girl with the Face. Etc.
But seriously, I'm so excited to meet each and every one of you if I do not know you already!
A B O U T * M E
I will be your teacher assistant (TA) for this class. I am an
animation major who is turning 20 on 11/11. From Bishopville, SC. I love video games, the smell of fire, cats, pizza, music and art. I play piano, guitar, ukelele, and I sing. Originally, I was going to be a fine arts major (and by originally, I mean that was my life plan since I was 2), but decided to go into animation my junior year of high school. Ideally, I will be going into character design when I graduate.
E X T R A * F U N * F A C T S
I am 6' when I'm wearing shoes, and I have a freakishly long stride. My canine teeth are flat. I have a scar on my right eyeball. I've never broken a bone. Gladiator is my favorite movie. Zomboy, Owl City, and F-777 are my favorite (famous) musicians. I snap into a Minnesota, Irish, Australian, British, or Canadian accent sometimes, and it's a total accident. I've lived in SC for 14+ years, but no one guesses SC as my origin state.
I * W A N T * T O * K N O W * Y O U
I'm here to be your friend and to help you however I can. You can add me on Facebook. You can follow me on Twitter. If you want my number, just ask nicely, and it's probably yours because friendship is magic or whatever. I'm never too busy for humans, and if you need a human... I'm at least humanoid, so I'm here for you, bae. You are going to have so much fun in this class, I promise! I know I did. If you have any problems with technical set up on Blogger or anything of that nature, please let me know. This blog is here for you. <3
I hope that you all have a great semester! Be sure to say "hi" if you see me!
B L O G * S E T U P * A N D * P O S T I N G * S T E P S
1) create a gmail address if you do not already have one.
This only works if you have a gmail.
2) email me at with a message that includes the following:
a- your preferred name (first, last, middle, imaginary; just know that that is who you are to me)
b- your fancy dancy gmail email address
c- your major
d- your favorite .gif or meme
3) wait to hear back from me. <3
1) once you have access, either click the orange button with a pencil on it, or with the words "new post" on it. (If you are writing from blogger, the icon will vary depending on if you are at the home page or in the blogger window for this blog. If you go straight to the blog site, [] there will be a "new post" option on the top right once you have access.)
2) write a title at the top of the screen next to "Intro to DMA * Post"
3) write out a body
4) include a picture or video to add interest
5) make sure you label the post ("Labels" is an option under "Post settings" on the right side of the screen when in blog editor mode) with your name "[First] [Last]", and any other labels specified for the assignment. If you already see a label coming up for what you need, do not make a new label. Use what someone else beat you to. Sometimes there are special events that Leeper will announce in which blogs can be worth more. (Make sure you label them so that I can grade them right. I don't want to gip you.)
6) make sure you have things labeled. I can not stress this enough. Also, while I love creativity, please do not make up a bunch of unnecessary labels. This is not Twitter, and it makes grading slow and tedious. #WhatADrag
7) click the orange button that says "Publish" and that's it!!!!
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