Monday, September 1, 2014

Lance's Intro

Hi everyone. I'm Lance Terpstra, sophomore animation major. I come from Wisconsin, have 3 siblings, baby of the family, and the dreamer of the family. By that last point I mean that I always was found day dreaming. I am a Christian, CMC in fact. I am not one for sports. I love video games. You get me talking about games and I won't stop, it is a problem. I lived in the country but just close enough to town that I I could always drive to town when we needed something. I love my family. Even though everyone is spread apart, we are all still close.

Animation was not always my passion. My first dream was to be a track runner. That quickly left once I learned that I despised physical activity. Then when I was a senior in highschool I had five majors in mind. Luckily Huntington had all five. I stuck with animation this long and I hope I don't switch but I am not sure of anything anymore. My first real dream of becoming an animator came when I watched Monster's Inc. I loved the animation so much. I watched all the bonus features multiple times.

Currently, my dream is to work for the creators of the web series RWBY. Something about how they animate and how they go about story is perfect for me. At least that is what I would like to believe.

I am super excited to be in this class with everyone and I hope we all do great things!

P.S If you want to know more about what I like. I have Youtube channel.

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