Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ethan's Intro!

How's it going bros? My name is Ethan Mohr, and welcome to my intro!

Theres not much to say about myself but since you asked I will tell you anything that has any interest.

I am born and raised in Indiana ,my whole life i have been very introverted, never really open up to people. (but somehow I managed to get a girlfriend, go figure!)

When I'm not home or at school I'm working on paying for college. The way i pay for college may intrigue you somewhat. I buy used cooking oil and used motor oil for $.20-$.50 a gallon and in tern sell it to a few people for $1.00+ per gallon. Or we trade cooking oil for bio-diesel (if you want to know the process of making bio-diesel you are more than welcome to ask me) which i put bio-diesel in my 1995 chevy suburban. and i pretty much get diesel at around $.35 a gallon because we trade

Hobbies i guess are working on my car, making it run a little better each day. I play around with sound systems on my car which is fun lol. and if i have spare time i hang with my girlfriend.

Favorite showes are: South Park and Breaking Bad!
Favorite car is: Deloreans!
Favorite food:anything from the Dollar Tree lol!
Favorite artists: Owl City, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead

Well i guess thats all i have to say. If you have anything you care to ask me i may open up to you we will just have to see. Anyways thanks for looking i will put some pictures up so this post doesn't bore you to death! And as always *bro-fist*

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