Monday, September 1, 2014

Luke's Intro

Hey guys, my name is Luke, and I'm a Sophomore...and I'm 21. Kind of uncommon, yes, but I took last year off of school and spent it down in Tennessee with some friends of mine recording music in a band. Which was cool. I'm really glad I did it, and it was a pretty awesome experience, but at the same time I am glad to be back at Huntington studying animation and hanging out with you guys :)

Oh, also, I didn't grow up in America, I was a missionary kid in Europe for 16 years of my life, so yeah...I'm pretty used to America now, but at first it was like a whole new foreign country that I had to get used to all over again. Not to mention getting used to everybody speaking a language that you can understand O.o

But yeah I like music, art, technical stuff...a lot of video games...some good books, and just hanging out with good friends mostly. Not much into sports...I'll play a friendly game of ping pong or something, but nothing super competitive...unless you're talking about video games. Then all bets are off.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you and practicing my animating skillz...more like developing them. But yes. Good stuff.

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