Saturday, August 30, 2014

Nikki's Introoo

   Hey everyone! Hopefully you all know me by now but if not mah' name's Nikki and I also go by Kamki which is my username for basically everything. It's a long story. xD
   So, uhh, yeah, I'm an animation major from the boring great town of Peru! I've lived there the longest so let's pretend it's my home town.
   Random crap about me: I've always wanted to be a zoologist, I have central heterochromia, I love video games, during the fall and winter you'll rarely ever find me without my Halo hat (I'm not even good at Halo, it's just a nice hat lolz), I love bearcats, I talk to myself probably more than is healthy, I hoard characters that I make (God knows how many I've made).

Maybe I should state some more important things. xD

   I'm not exactly sure what I want to do when I graduate...? I just know I love drawing and making characters for no apparent reason. I don't really have a style that I know of, it changes randomly depending on how I feel or the subject matter I guess.

This picture represents me I guess. I'm a very random person with a stupidly ridiculous sense of humor. Although that coupled with social anxiety makes life strangely difficult. xDD

And here's a picture to let everyone know that I can spend more than an hour on a drawing:

So yeah! I think I put enough pictures here to distract from my terrible intro writing. xD
I can't wait to see how things go this semester and if you see me around feel free to approach me; I'm like a deer, but friendlier. 0u0


  1. Did you know that deer make these super creepy, almost hawk- like noises? I've ever only heard it once and it was terrifying. You sound better than a deer, tho xD I can't wait to see what you come up with for this class :D

    1. Haha yeah! They're usually so quiet then they pull that crap. xD And thank you. xDD
      I'm excited for this class cause all the character making! I can't wait to see what everyone does! 0u0
