Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shawn's Incredibly Interesting Intro!!! (reactions may vary-genuine interest not guaranteed)

Hey there
__(fill in name)____, it's certainly been a while hasn't it!!
___(fill in name)___,  remember that time we___(fill in Interaction)____,  and then decided to

___(fill in Interaction)__ ?! Oh man, good times...

Believe me when I tell you
 __(fill in name)___, that I'm looking forward to learning and growing as Animators/film makers/(other major) with you! See ya when I ya!


  1. Hey there
    Shawn, it certainly has been a while hasn't it! Oh Shawn, remember that time we saw each other once in that specific point in time that neither of us remember, and then decided to do something that none of us can recall?! Oh man, good times...
    Believe me when I tell you Shawn, that I'm looking forward to learning and growing as an animator with you! See ya when I see ya!

    1. lolol supposed to be your own name but that works too
