Sunday, August 31, 2014

Self Portraits


     Ohmygoodness I had so much fun making these. I'm not very good at drawing realistically but I enjoy the challenge!! I think I want to try to challenge my anatomy when it comes to doing the journal comics rather than just making this all the time. 

     It was fun exploring my deformities, mainly my right ear (for those of you who don't know, I'm deaf in my right ear because I was born without an ear canal) in the more detailed self portrait, and that's always fun to do. I've always appreciated being asymmetrical that way because I think it makes for a more interesting cartoon persona. I also have two different- colored eyes (the right one is brown and the other one is hazel but has some blue in it as well) and a malformed left pinkie (the knuckles of my ring and pinkie finger fused when I was a fetus).  
     I think these journal comics are going to be so super fun! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!


  1. Your realistic one is AWSOME!
    I also like the other two very much, the lack of butts is surprising though.

    1. Thanks x] I want to try to work more on anatomy lol
